Neurology of Power

Have you ever thought about power – who holds the power in your relationships, between you and your friends, family, partner, or children? If you’re in the workplace how does power impact the way you lead or the way you are being managed?

Science is showing that our relationship to power affects our lives 24/7 during our every waking moment and even when we sleep.

What is it?

Neurology of Power (NoP) explores where power resides in the brain and the body to understand how power works. It is an iterative practice based research project created by Suzanne Alleyne. With a particular interest in social neuroscience and lived experience, NoP takes a collaborative approach to research working with science, academia, the arts, businesses and communities globally.

Power is so fundamental to how we exist as human beings. NoP aims to research, share, explain and demystify the science to support individuals, communities and organisations to thrive.

Why do we need it?

“I think it’s a basic human need to want to be heard and understood whether at home, with friends, at work or within wider society. I believe that power permeates every conversation and relationship we have. To know ourselves and genuinely relate to others we have to understand our relationship to power in any given moment. I am a Black British woman and this is the lens through which I approach my work.”  

Suzanne Alleyne, Neurology of Power

Our north star

“By understanding how power changes the brain and perceptual cognitive functions, we will be in a much better position to develop strategies that can help harness the positive effects of power and mitigate the negative consequences” 

Professor Sukhvinder Obhi, Social Neuroscientist

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